In The Cloud
Moreficent lets you run IDEs like Android Studio , IntelliJ Idea and Pycharm in the cloud and access them through your browser.
10x Better Development
Develop on powerful cloud infrastructure while maintaining the ease of using your laptop.
No Lag
IDEs on Moreficent are as fast and responsive as the ones on your laptop.
More Hardware
IDEs run on 8 Cores and 16 GB RAM. Through Demand Pooling, we use 10x less hardware.
Better Collaboration
Work with your colleagues without friction and without lag.
Cheaper Hardware
Moreficent supports ARM V8 chips. This can reduce your cloud costs by upto 50%.
Connect Real Devices
Moreficent CLI lets you connect your phone(s) to your cloud IDE.
Loved by students and professionals
Moreficent is fast, ergonomic, and stable, and feature requests are directly handled by the Founder.
Simple pricing, for everyone.
Everyone gets 300 minutes of free usage to qualify Moreficent for their use case. Student discounts are available.
Run on our servers. Ideal for individuals and small teams.
- Develop on 8 Cores and 16 GB RAM
- 25 GB free storage, ₹10/GB subsequently
- 15 minute inactivity timeout
Power User
Run on our servers. Ideal for medium sized teams with custom tooling.
- Develop on 8 cores and 16 GB RAM
- 50 GB free storage, ₹10/GB subsequently
- 60 minute inactivity timeout
- Admin dashboard
- Custom environments
- Share environments and data across your team
Run on your own (cloud) infrastructure. Ideal for large teams.
- All major public clouds are supported
- On premises servers, with a static IP, are also supported
- Customize authentication, hardware allocation, timeouts and feature access
- Admin dashboard
- Custom environments
Frequently asked questions
Hop into our Discord Server if you have additional questions.
Which browsers are supported?
We support the latest version of Chrome.
Does copy-paste work?
Yes, we automatically sync your local clipboard to the remote one.
What happens to my data when I terminate a session?
All users have a private disk. Your data is persisted across sessions.
What is the minimum internet speed required?
We recommend a connection with a speed exceeding 8 Mbps, but with manual tuning, you can use it upto 1 Mbps.
Will my plugins continue to work?
Yes, all plugins are supported.
What happens if the internet disconnects? Or if I accidentally close the tab?
The session is kept alive for a few minutes, and you may rejoin. The session is gracefully terminated if you don't reconnect within the grace period.
How do I view my files?
We have a built in file browser that you can use to navigate your home folder. Additionally, you can use it to upload, download, compress, extract and delete data.